Analisis Dampak Pemindahan Ibu Kota terhadap Perekonomian Nasional

By | 24 Oktober 2024


Analisis Dampak Pemindahan Ibu Kota terhadap Perekonomian Nasional

Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world, is considering a monumental decision – the relocation of its capital city. Jakarta, the current capital, is grappling with severe congestion, pollution, and sinking land. The government’s plan to move the capital to a new location has sparked debates and discussions across the nation. One crucial aspect of this decision is the impact it will have on the national economy. In this article, we will analyze the potential economic consequences of relocating the capital city and explore the various factors that need to be considered.

The Current State of Jakarta

Jakarta, the bustling metropolis and the heart of Indonesia’s economy, is facing numerous challenges. The city’s population has skyrocketed, leading to overcrowding, traffic congestion, and inadequate infrastructure. Additionally, Jakarta is sinking at an alarming rate due to excessive groundwater extraction, making it vulnerable to flooding. These issues have a significant impact on the economy, affecting productivity, transportation, and the overall quality of life.

1. Congestion and Productivity

Jakarta’s traffic congestion is notorious, causing significant productivity losses. Commuters spend hours stuck in traffic, leading to wasted time and increased fuel consumption. According to a study by the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), Jakarta’s traffic congestion costs the economy around 65 trillion rupiahs (approximately $4.5 billion) annually. This loss in productivity hampers economic growth and affects the competitiveness of businesses operating in the city.

2. Environmental Impact

The environmental degradation caused by Jakarta’s rapid urbanization is another concern. Air pollution levels are alarmingly high, posing health risks to the population. Moreover, the excessive extraction of groundwater has led to land subsidence, making Jakarta one of the fastest sinking cities in the world. The city sinks by an average of 10-20 centimeters per year, exacerbating the risk of flooding during the rainy season. These environmental challenges not only harm the well-being of the residents but also impact economic activities.

The Proposed Relocation

The Indonesian government’s plan to move the capital city aims to address the challenges faced by Jakarta and distribute economic development more evenly across the country. The proposed new capital will be located in East Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo. This decision has sparked both optimism and skepticism, with proponents highlighting the potential benefits and critics raising concerns about the feasibility and cost.

1. Economic Potential of East Kalimantan

East Kalimantan, known for its abundant natural resources, offers significant economic potential. The region is rich in coal, oil, and gas reserves, providing opportunities for the development of energy-related industries. The relocation of the capital to East Kalimantan could stimulate economic growth in the region, attracting investments and creating job opportunities. The government plans to develop a green and sustainable city, leveraging the natural resources while preserving the environment.

2. Infrastructure Development

Relocating the capital city presents an opportunity to build modern and efficient infrastructure from scratch. Jakarta’s infrastructure is strained and outdated, hindering economic activities. The new capital can be designed with a focus on sustainability, incorporating smart city technologies, efficient transportation systems, and green spaces. This infrastructure development will not only support economic growth but also enhance the quality of life for residents.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While the relocation of the capital city holds promise, there are several challenges and considerations that need to be addressed.

1. Cost and Funding

Building a new capital city from scratch is an enormous undertaking that requires substantial financial resources. The estimated cost of the relocation is around 466 trillion rupiahs (approximately $32 billion). Securing funding for such a project is a significant challenge, especially considering the current economic climate and competing priorities. The government will need to explore various financing options, including public-private partnerships and international collaborations.

2. Socioeconomic Impact

The relocation of the capital city will have a profound socioeconomic impact on Jakarta and its residents. The government must ensure that the transition is smooth and that the affected population is adequately supported. Job opportunities in the new capital need to be created, and measures should be taken to mitigate the potential displacement of people from Jakarta. Additionally, the government must address the concerns of those who rely on Jakarta’s economic activities, such as businesses and industries.

3. Environmental Sustainability

While the government aims to develop a green and sustainable city in East Kalimantan, it is crucial to ensure that the mistakes made in Jakarta are not repeated. Environmental impact assessments and comprehensive sustainability plans should be in place to minimize the negative consequences of urbanization. Preserving the region’s biodiversity and protecting the indigenous communities should be prioritized to achieve long-term environmental sustainability.


The relocation of Indonesia’s capital city presents an opportunity to address the challenges faced by Jakarta and distribute economic development more evenly across the country. While the move to East Kalimantan offers economic potential and the chance to build a modern and sustainable city, it also comes with significant challenges. The cost of the relocation, the socioeconomic impact on Jakarta, and the need for environmental sustainability are crucial considerations. With careful planning, adequate funding, and a focus on inclusive development, the relocation of the capital city can contribute to the long-term economic growth and well-being of Indonesia.

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